2012년 11월 5일 월요일

Hands on with Microsoft's Surface tablet - Jun. 18, 2012

Hands on with Microsoft's Surface tablet - Jun. 18, 2012

★ Summary
1. It's not clear yet what Surface, MS Self-designed tablet pc, Truly wants to be.
2. technical
  -  the kickstand in place and the cover lying flat on a table, the Surface becomes the world's thinnest laptop.
  - the keyboard's software is sophisticated enough to allow touch typers to rest their fingers on the home keys.
3. It will be priced competitively with the iPad, which has a entry-level price tag of $499.
(※ ARM : the power-sipping, in 95% of the world's smartphones and tablets.)

So, is it an iPad competitor or a PC?

★ Thinking.
- I feel the opposite. I never saw room for a tablet that isn't PC-like. A simple media device with limited practical application like the iPad always seemed more like a gimmick that would pass once people realized how little they have to offer over a laptop PC and Smartphone.

★ Source

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