2012년 11월 21일 수요일

Developer blunders, Android edition: How to avoid 5 common mistakes | VentureBeat

Developer blunders, Android edition: How to avoid 5 common mistakes | VentureBeat

★ Summary
- Topic : five of the most common Android development blunders and what can be done to prevent them.
1. Some design rules are made to be broken and you can distinguish your application by bending the rules in shrewd ways
2.Be careful if you decide to lock the screen orientation to portrait-only
3. We’ll ever have the luxury to load as many huge images as we could in desktop environments. so, Be clever and change your screen to use combinations of smaller images and XML-drawables, if possible.
4. You need to assign a StateListDrawable to your custom screen elements. The easiest way to do this is to create a drawable XML file with a state selector
5. sin is so grievous that applications targetting the Honeycomb API, or greater, will experience NetworkOnMainThreadException

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