2013년 12월 11일 수요일

The Post-PC Era Begins In Earnest Next Year

To date, there are still more installed PCs in the world than there are smartphones or tablets. Next year, that's likely to change.
According to projections from mobile analyst Ben Evans, the number of smartphones in use around the world will pass that of PCs for the first time next year. According to a chart from Evans, the estimate of installed PCs in the world is a little north of 1.6 billion. The global install base of smartphones is near 1.3 billion and growing at a much faster clip than PCs. If you add tablets into the equation (with a tick more than 200 million installed across the world) then mobile devices are almost on par with PCs already.
Evans predicts that the total number of installed smartphones in the world will eclipse PCs in 2014 sometime in the second quarter.
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Evans notes that the numbers are appropriately approximate because firm numbers of devices "installed"—meaning purchased, activated and used—by global consumers is difficult to pinpoint with a high degree of accuracy.
The broad stroke numbers are very easy to see. IDC predicts that 314.2 million PCs (desktop and laptop/notebook) will be shipped in 2013, down from 349.4 in 2012. That is a 10.1% shortfall year-over-year, the biggest single year drop in PC history.
On the other end, smartphones are predicted to eclipse one billion shipments this year. IDC shows smartphone shipment growth of 39.3% year-over-year with little sign of slowing down.
See also: Dropping Prices Are Driving Mass Smartphone Adoption Across The World
IDC predicts that 1.7 billion smartphones will ship in 2017, versus estimated PC shipments of 305.1 million. Shipments, of course, don't equal sales of actual devices to consumers. It is also important to note that even sales do not mean an addition to the installed base, as many as older models are replaced by newer ones. In aggregate, the install base rises over time—just not at the rate of shipments or sales. 

The Power Of Ubiquitous Computing

The era of ubiquitous computing is upon us. Smartphones and tablets are devices that are always connected, always with us. The adoption curve of mobile devices has been astonishing in the last several years, fueled by Western consumers rushing to buy the latest and greatest smartphones. Now smartphone and tablet prices are dropping around the world, leading to a billion smartphone shipments this year.
Over the last several years, “mobile shopping” has become a big buzz term around the holidays. IBM has tracked the data for Thanksgiving Day and Black Friday for the last several years and notes that 25.8% of sales were made from a smartphone or tablet on the American holiday. On Black Friday, 21.8% of sales were through smartphones or tablets. Essentially, between one out of every four and five online sales on the biggest shopping day of the year were made by mobile devices. People have their tablets and smartphones close at hand and look online for deals.
At some point this ceases to be a “mobile” phenomenon. Instead of “mobile shopping,” it is just “shopping” … through whatever computer happens to be close at hand. That is the power of ubiquitous computing.
As smartphones overtake PCs globally, the notion that anything is seen as a mobile trend ceases to be important. Instead we are just all connected wherever we go by the a powerful computers in our pockets.

summary; In 2014, smartphones will most likely eclipse PCs in terms of the number of devices in use around the world.

Android Or iOS Dominating Tablets? Developer Economics Has The Answer

Android Or iOS Dominating Tablets? Developer Economics Has The Answer

Android is big in tablets. The problem is that no one has a clue how big it is. While Apple happily reports its rising unit sales for tablets, Samsung and other major Android distributors keep mum. Hence, we're largely left in the dark as to just how many Android tablets are being bought and used.

But developers may help us understand Android's market penetration.

Android's 'Dark Matter'

By some estimates, Android will claim as much as 65% of the tablet market in 2014. IDC puts the number a bit lower, but by any estimate Android is booming.

As in smartphones, Android adoption is on overdrive due to giving consumers, particularly in developing markets, a low-cost alternative to Apple's premium pricing. Commenting on Android's rise, Canalys senior analyst Tim Coulling argues that "Apple’s decline in PC market share [which includes tablets] is unavoidable when considering its business model."

Well, maybe.

The problem is counting Android accurately. Asymco analyst Horace Dediu, commenting on Benedict Evans' analysis of Android use, highlights the difficulty in getting an accurate read on Android tablet adoption:

There are no firms which report their shipments
They are not sold through retail chains which normally are sampled in the US and Europe (NPD and GfK respectively.)
They don’t show up in browsing or ad transaction data
Google Play statistics are missing most of the activations since they are not sold as bona fide Google-sanctioned Android.

It should be easy to track Android adoption by measuring web traffic. Yet Android users lag considerably behind iOS users - on smartphones and tablets - when it comes to web usage, something I pointed out a year ago. Dediu posits that Android tablets must be used as glorified video consoles, and maybe he's right.

But his more interesting suggestion is that we can track tablet adoption by measuring payments to developers.

A Market Is Big When Developers Get Paid

Commenting on why some popular technologies like the video CD die quickly, Dediu declares that developer interest ensures a technology sticks around. And developer interest ultimately comes down to cash:

Whether the dark matter Video-only Android device will come to swamp the iPad will depend not on just volume shipments in select geographies. It will depend largely on the ecosystems built around it. The ecosystems of VCD were largely unsustainable because there was no value placed on the content itself. The value chain did not strive to sustain the technology. When something better came along, it got dropped.
In contrast, content-based value chains sustain technologies which keep the revenues coming. And we can measure this revenue.
You don’t need to look too hard for that in tablets. Apple states it quite frequently: total payments to developers.

You don’t need to look too hard for that in tablets. Apple states it quite frequently: total payments to developers.
Not long ago Apple announced that developers had minted $13 billion selling apps for the iOS platform. Google doesn't report similar data for Android, in part because it can't due to the fragmented Android ecosystem, but Business Insider has compiled its own statistics, which show Android well behind iOS but closing the gap:

Android developers are likely to get paid even more going forward, as Google has significantly ratcheted up its efforts to improve monetization for Android developers. Indeed, speaking at Google I/O earlier this year, Google's VP of Android product management Hugo Barra told I/O attendees that Google had paid more to Android developers in the 4 months leading up to I/O than the previous 12 months before that combined.

Closing The Developer Payment Gap

However dim our insight may be into actual Android shipments and adoption, it's likely to get better as Google improves developer monetization and (hopefully) starts reporting Android developer payments, as Apple does. Given the very real possibility that Android tablets remain a limited-use alternative to the iPad's multi-use playground, one would expect payments to Android tablet developers to fall far short of what Apple pays iPad developers.

But if, in fact, we see Android developers banking equal or greater amounts of money from this allegedly "dark" adoption, then it will tell us that our understanding of Android usage patterns is way off. Either way, the answer lies in developers.

summary; Given the difficulty of tracking Android shipments or usage, the best proxy for its market share may come from developer payment data.

2013년 12월 8일 일요일

AquaTop Display: Water Interactive Surface

About AquaTop Display

AquaTop Display is a projection system that uses white water as a screen surface. With this device, users are given the possibilities of interactions from both above and below the water surface. Scooping up water, and poking one's fingers from under the surface is one such example. Through the Aquatop Display, we hope to revolutionise digital water interaction by offering an 'immersive' experience.

2013년 12월 2일 월요일